How to participate in NFTLaunch IDO's?

Creation date: 16/10/2021 15:05    Updated: 10/01/2022 04:57   nftlaunch participate

NFTlaunch Eligibility

How to participate in NDO’s? 

Participation eligibility can be completed in 3 steps.

  1. Login to with a minimum of 1000 NFTlaunch tokens in your wallet for the KYC button to appear.

  2. Complete the KYC requirement at least 24–48 hours before IDO is set to open (check out the guides below).

  1. Stake the minimum tokens required to achieve your desired tier by the announced deadline, and complete additional tasks if required (whitelist, social tasks).

Have additional questions regarding IDO participation? Take a look at the following article for more information:
NFTLaunch official information